
Also referred to as wreckfish, reef fish, swallowtails and jewelfish, anthias are a large family of saltwater fish of over 200 different sub-species.


Seahorses are characterized by their equine appearance. Its upper body is shaped like the head of a horse and its lower body ends in an elongated tail.


Butterflyfish are a family of saltwater fish made up of over 100 distinct species. They resemble angelfish and have compressed, disk shaped bodies.

Pufferfish – Saltwater

Pufferfish are a large family of saltwater fish. It can fill its elastic stomach with water until it expands to a large, almost globe-like shape.


Angelfish are one of the most popular species of freshwater fish in the aquarium hobby. They are characterized by their vertically compressed bodies.


Damselfish are a colorful species of saltwater fish popular in the modern saltwater aquarium hobby. They come from tropical coral reefs around the world.


Cardinalfish are a large family of saltwater fish made up of over 200 sub-species. Most species are extremely colorful and are a couple of inches in length.


Rasboras are a family of minnow-type freshwater fish characterized by their small bodies and vibrant colorations. They are an extremely peaceful fish.


Bichirs are a species of freshwater fish. They are characterized by their long, eel-like bodies and unique dorsal finlets. Capable of breathing surface air.

Mbuna Cichlids

Mbuna cichlids are some of the most brightly colored freshwater fishes in the world, exhibiting a wide range of colors and patterns.

Freshwater Sharks

Freshwater sharks are a group of freshwater fish belonging to the minnow family. Freshwater sharks have long, powerful bodies and large dorsal fins,


Often regarded as the king of the freshwater aquarium, discus fish are one of the most beautiful species of aquarium fish; and one of the hardest to keep.


Loaches are a large family of highly intelligent freshwater fish. There are over 200 different species and they are characterized by their eel-like bodies.

Ram Cichlids

Ram Cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) are a species of freshwater cichlid that can be found in slow-moving waters throughout the Orinoco River basin.


Flagfish are a small fish that are semi-aggressive in nature. These fish may not do well if multiple males of the same species are kept together.


Known as trunkfish, cowfish and cofferfish; boxfish are a family of bony marine fish. They are known for their square shaped body and heavy armored scales.


The Tigerfish is a type of freshwater fish belonging to the genus Datnioides (Datnoids). It's named for the vertical stripes that run all along its body.


Clownfish are the most popular species of fish amongst saltwater aquarium enthusiasts. They are characterized by their beautiful colorations..


Archerfish are one of the most fascinating species of brackish water aquarium fish. They get their names from shooting insects with powerful jets of water.

Lake Tanganyika Cichlids

There are more than 250 species of Lake Tanganyika cichlids that have been identified, in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

African Tiger Fish

African Tiger Fish are a large and predatory species of fish. Their bodies are powerful and streamlined, enabling them to move with fast bursts of speed.


Snappers are generally non-aggressive fish that do well in very large saltwater community tanks. Most live in rocky or coral reefs, and come in many colors.


Triggerfish are a fish comprised of roughly 40 distinct species. They are characterized by their laterally compressed bodies and comparatively large heads.


Parrotfish are a marine fish with over 90 distinct species. They are characterized by their parrot-like beaks that are made of tightly compressed teeth.

Paradise Fish

Paradise fish are a colorful species of freshwater fish belonging to the gourami family. They were the first tropical fish to be imported 150 years ago.


Catfish are a large family of freshwater fish extremely popular in the aquarium trade. Extremely hardy and make for fascinating aquarium specimens.


Platies are fairly small fish, growing no more than 3 inches long, and they are very peaceful and non-aggressive. These fish are usually drab in color.


Dartfish are a family of small, colorful saltwater fish. They are similar in appearance to gobies and are characterized by their long, eel-like bodies.


Killifish are a large family of freshwater fish comprising over a thousand different species. Most species are no more than an inch or two in size.

Neon Tetra

The Neon tetra is an incredibly beautiful species of tropical freshwater aquarium fish. Neon tetras usually grow up to around 1.2 inches in length.


The name porkfish is usually used to describe a particular species of grunt that can be found in the tropical regions of the world.


Oscars are one of the most popular species of freshwater fish in the aquarium hobby today. They are also a highly intelligent species of fish.

Saltwater Eels

Saltwater eels are one of the most fascinating and demanding species of fish kept by aquarists. They are characterized by their long, snake like bodies.


The Plecostomus is a type of armored catfish that is found throughout the tropical regions of northeastern South America.

Lake Victoria Cichlids

Lake Victoria cichlids are fairly aggressive fish. These cichlids are some of the most vibrantly colored freshwater fishes in the world.


Pacu fish are a large family of freshwater fish related to the piranha. While some species look like piranhas, they are herbivores and are peaceful fish.


Hawkfish are species of saltwater fish closely related to the lionfish. They are characterized by their large heads and somewhat elongated, thick bodies.


Gobies are one of the largest families of fish comprised of over 2000 separate species. Most species rarely grow more than a couple of inches in length.


Rainbowfish are a family of small freshwater fish that get their name from their iridescent colorations that change shades in different light settings.


Filefish are a curious species of saltwater fish. They are characterized by their rhomboid shaped bodies, thick, sandpaper-like skin and small, fleshy fins.

Harlequin Tuskfish

Harlequin tuskfish are a colorful species of wrasse. They are characterized by their sharp blue, tusk-like teeth and distinctive body colorations.


Tangs are a highly popular species of saltwater aquarium fish. They are characterized by their laterally compressed bodies and scalpel-like spines.


Pipefish are a species of saltwater fish related to seahorses. However, the pipefish's body, unlike the seahorse's, is long, straight and snake-like.


Grunts are a family of saltwater fish made up of 150 different sub-species, some of which have been successfully introduced to the aquarium hobby.


Squirrelfish are a family of ray-finned saltwater fish. They are characterized by their large eyes and long, sharp dorsal spines.

Ray Fish – Saltwater

The ray fish's skeleton is made up entirely of cartilage and it is characterized by its flattened body and large pectoral fins which are fused to its head.


The Molly is one of the most popular species of livebearers in aquarium culture. It is a hardy and adaptable species and are great for beginner aquarists.


Barbs are a large family of freshwater fish that are a popular choice in the aquarium hobby. Different species of barbs come in a dazzling array of colors.


Anglerfish are a family of predatory fish consisting of over 200 separate species. They are characterized by their rod-like growths called illicium.


Sometimes referred to as the dragon fish, arowana fish are one of the most beautiful and most fascinating species of fish in the aquarium trade.

Hap Cichlids

Hap cichlids exhibit a wide variety of colorations and patterns ranging from solid blue to multicolored combinations of red, orange, and purple.